Balancing Life 101 Part 3
By Camille of
Finally, the most important factor in the balancing act of motherhood and career is YOU! No pressure, but so much, and so many people, depend on you. Aside from trying to meet the expectations of your supervisor at work, you have your own expectations and responsibilities in your personal life that are demanding your attention. Bills need to be paid. Clothes need to be washed and folded. Meals need to be prepared. The house needs cleaning. You may have community or church responsibilities. And on top of everything, your children need you. Unless you take care of yourself, you will not perform at your highest level. And, if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
- Give health a priority. You need your body to function properly in order to accomplish so much! My back went out last month and I was reduced to lying flat on my back or walking doubled over. It slowed me down and frustrated me to no end because I could not function! You need your sleep. You need some exercise. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you need your fruits and vegetable and all other healthy foods that provide energy and a healthy body. Cupcakes are fine in moderation. 🙂
- Lower your standards. We all have good intentions of completing everything on our agenda. However, the reality is that sometimes we just won't be able to accomplish everything we want to. Life doesn't follow the same routine every day. There will be disruptions, distractions, and disappointments. Prioritize your agenda according to what absolutely needs to be done, and don't punish yourself if the list isn't checked off completely at the end of the day.
- It's OK to say "no". You know your abilities and limitations. Don't be afraid to tell the PTA president you can't make cookies for the meeting, or the neighbor that you aren't able to help with a carpool. Stay focused on your own priorities and don't overload your schedule. I found a great article the other day, sharing the secrets of multi-tasking. During your "me" time, you can check it out for more tips.
- Give yourself "me" time. You need time to unwind, and to focus on yourself and your own development. Maybe it's spending time scrapbooking or baking. Maybe it's shopping at an antique store or blogging. Maybe it's just soaking in the tub. If time is so limited that your only time alone is on your commute, plug in an audio book, or your favorite CD and relish the moment. Get together with your girlfriends for dinner or a pedicure every once in a while, and remember to leave the guilt home!
About the Author: Camille is a thirty-something mommy with two beautiful daughters, Ad and C8, living in two worlds. By day, she works full-time as an employment recruiter/ staffing supervisor, with a 100-mile daily commute, living in a world governed by policies and professionalism. And by night, she transforms into a mother, living in a world where everything is governed by “Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Moe” and fun. Like so many other moms, she wishes she could stay at home with them, but certain situations require her to work full-time. To learn more about Camille visit or contact her via twitter @makeitworkmom.
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