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Kids’ Bikes: How to Keep Safe While Riding Bikes

parentingages and stages

Bike rides are a great activity for the family and a great form of exercise. Be sure to keep your kids safe while riding by taking these necessary precautions. How to Keep Safe While Riding Bikes

Wear Helmets

Make sure your kids have a helmet that fits snug around…

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Education: Ways To Prepare Your Child For School

parentingages and stages

School can be a very hard time for children. After spending a long summer with family and friends, the transition back to school can be tough. Going to a new school or starting a new schedule can make your child hesitant. Prepping your child for the school year is a…

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The Importance of Being Bored

family funages and stagesstrengthening family

We are winding down the summer weeks and it is easy, as parents, to look at our bag of tricks and realize that we've burned through most of our ideas. We've taken the family trips, we've done the crafts, taken picnics, and we've cleaned the closets. Summer camps and…

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Keeping Your Kids Safe at the Beach

parentingages and stages

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5 Top Tips for Teaching Kids about Healthy Eating

parentingages and stages

Summer is an ideal time to teach children about health and wellness—between the unlimited outdoor activities, longer hours of sunlight, and bounties of fruits and veggies at your disposal, this is a great time of year to create healthy eating regimens before the back-to-school cafeteria foods and busy days

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Tantrum-Free Outings – How to Finish the Day Fight Free

ages and stages

We've all been that parent, carrying a crying toddler through the mall, hoping to make it to the car before throwing out our back. With less than 18 months between three of our children, my husband and I developed a system for getting all of our kids out of a…

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