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Born to Fly International Announces Sept. 9 Twitterthon to Fight Child Slavery

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A Florida-based journalist turned abolitionist recently named in Huffington Post as one of the “Top 10 Women Warriors of Twitter” has launched “09-09-09” – a one-day Twitterthon initiative on September 9, 2009, to raise funds to fight child trafficking. Diana Scimone, a veteran journalist who has chronicled the $9.5 billion-a-year…

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Born to Fly International—One Woman’s Goal to Stop Human Trafficking

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The sun was setting in Mumbai, India, as a guide quietly drove journalist Diana Scimone down a crowded street. It wasn’t your usual tourist destination. It was Falkland Road, Mumbai’s notorious red-light district. Scimone was covering a story on forced prostitution in India.  The driver and his wife, who were…

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