
Five Ways to Have a Successful Black Friday Shopping Experience

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Diehard Black Friday shoppers know months in advance where they will shop, how much they will spend and what they will buy. Newbies to this game may need a little help navigating the parking lots, the stores, the discounts and, at times, staying awake during the wee morning hours. This

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Shopping: How to Protect Your Identity During the Holidays

parentinghome management

As you shop at the mall, grocery store, or visit grandma’s house while spreading holiday cheer, be careful of the sound of money flying out of your pockets! Make sure it’s into cash registers and not into the hands of the crooks that target holiday shoppers.   Identity theft…

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Gift Giving: To Give or Not to Give This Holiday Season

parentinghome management

Every year, I create a budget for holiday shopping. We have four children and as they get older, staying in budget is getting harder and harder. The items they want are not found in the toy aisle anymore if you get my drift. Not only do I typically buy…

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Prize Promotion from BofA: Win an iPad

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Now that we’re in the thick of holiday planning, where do you stand with your holiday shopping? Do you have some last minute shopping that you need to take care of before the holidays hit? When in a holiday shopping bind, what’s your go to gift? Many people decide to…

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Bank of America: Tuesday #gno Twitter Party

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Are you a last minute holiday shopper? When faced with the pressure of last-minute gift decisions, don’t forget gifting etiquette or let deals pass you by. While one in three people think the best holiday deals can be found after Thanksgiving, there are deals to be found anytime if you…

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