Science Experiment for Kids: Paper Airplanes


Flight. In theory it makes sense, but to see it in action makes it seem like magic to me. I think that is why paper airplanes are so much fun. The fact that you can turn an ordinary piece of paper into a flying machine in theory makes sense, but…

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Science Experiment for Kids: Dancing Craisins


Exposing children to science concepts can help encourage their curiosity. I find if you can create a situation where they ask WHY? and you can actually answer it with something coherent and educational, it is a bonus! Often my children ask questions that are difficult to answer at their level…

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Science Experiments for Kids Teach Curiosity and Problem Solving


I am really excited about what will be happening here at Mom It Forward over the next few months. I am going to be taking you (and hopefully your kids) through a series of fun and easy science experiments. As a mom, I find science to be one of the…

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Science Fair Ideas: Grow Icky Bacteria From Household Objects


Across the nation it’s time for ‘Operation Find a Great Science Fair Project’! The scientific method is the main ingredient with creativity and enthusiasm thrown in on the side. Find a topic and ask questions. Then alter your experiment with different variables.
3 Tips to Choosing and Completing a

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Science Projects for Kids: Alka Seltzer Rockets


Sometimes the simplest experiments get the biggest bang! And by bang, I mean capture your kid’s attention and keep them entertained for a whole afternoon. And by simple I mean raid your grandma’s medicine cabinet and steal a few Alka Seltzer tablets. Teach your kids about physical vs chemical reactions…

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