
Beauty: How to Protect Your Skin During Summer

lifestylehobbies-me time

It's finally summer, when routines relax and the living gets easy. Summer is also the season when skin gets the most exposure. If you've been neglecting your skin all winter, don't worry! Here are a few tricks to protect and pamper your skin so that you're ready for the sun.

3 Secrets to Beautiful Summer Skin


Exfoliation is the secret to velvety smooth skin, but it can be a bit of a pain, literally. Artificial exfoliants can be too harsh on your skin—try a salt- or sugar-based scrub to pamper your skin as you gently scrub old skin cells away. You can make one yourself if you're crafty.

Post-Waxing Care

Nothing beats waxing if you want to achieve smooth, hairless skin for days at a time. But a little bit of post-wax maintenance makes a huge difference in your results. Care for your pores in the few days after your waxing to prevent ingrown hairs. I use the Bliss pads, but there are tons of similar products out there. Tend Skin is popular and not nearly as pricey. They all work in similar ways—they exfoliate the skin so that the growing hair doesn't get trapped under clogged pores.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun Everyday

Tans have been out of fashion for years, and for good reason. The sun causes premature aging and skin cancer. So now is the time to start your sun protection routine if you don't have one. I wear a light sunscreen on my face everyday—no matter what. And I wear sunblock on whatever parts of my body are exposed, including my feet(I live in sandals all summer long). I prefer barrier sunscreen (those with zinc) vs. chemical sunscreen. For starters, barrier sunscreen just makes sense to me—it's a physical barrier between you and the sun. Two, I don’t like the smell of chemical sunscreen. And finally, I don’t understand how chemical sunscreen works, and I like to stick to things I understand. My favorite sunblock is Blue Lizard Sensitive Skin.

Now go outside and play!

What are your favorite skincare products or regimes that get your skin ready for the summer sun?

Featured image courtesy of Flickr.

Roxanna worked in marketing in the beauty industry before leaving it all behind to live the glamorous life of a blogger. Her writing on stylish living can be found all over the internet and at her blogs: Everyday Treats, a blog about living well every day, and The Frog & Snail, a lifestyle blog for parents of boys. She's obsessed with beautiful details and is passionate about enjoying the little pleasures in life, like naps, peonies and the adorable little people she gave birth to. She currently lives in Boston with her Austrian husband and their three sons. That means she's always shopping for boots, coats and robots. It's a tough life, really.


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