family fun

Photography: Taking the Perfect Family Photo

family funactivities

Photography—Getting the perfect family portrait is a hard task. You have to figure out your location, what everyone is going to wear, and the style that you want. By the time everyone is dressed and at the location, they’re grumpy and stubborn. Despite these aspects, family portraits are passed

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Photography: How Shooting Things With My Mom Saved Our Relationship

mehobbies & me time

We all know the stereotype, moms want to sell off their teenage girls and the teenage girls want their moms to disappear in a puff of smoke. In fact I'm surprised when I hear of a mom and daughter who had a wonderfully healthy relationship growing up, especially through the…

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10 Tips to Take Great iPhone Photos of Your Kids

biz, tech, & social medialifestyle

They say that the best camera is the one you have with you. That’s the main reason why iPhoneography has become a new national pastime. Compared to a DSLR camera, your iPhone is small, it’s already in your pocket, and it happens to take great pictures, too! Whether camera-shy, camera…

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Blog Photography: 10 Ways to Gain Confidence With a Camera

mehobbies & me timelifestylehobbies-me time

Photography—By now, we all know that blogging and involvement in various social media outlets has become a new, fascinating, and powerful means of self-expression. Hand-in-hand with blogging is the subject of photography as a means of enriching your written content and garnering interest. Blog photography as a means of…

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Inspiration: Me Ra Koh Makes Miracles With Photography

giving backmy worldmoms making a differencemoms making a difference

Inspiration—You've probably heard this quote by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within." Me Ra Koh is one of those people who…

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