
Is Your Sleeping Environment Helping or Hurting Your Marriage?


Getting a good night's rest is critical to functioning at our best. What happens in a marriage then when one partner is a sound sleeper, but the other isn't? Or, when one partner snores or tosses and turns while the other lies awake, trying to get to sleep or worse,…

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Marriage and Money: How to Avoid Fighting About Finances


I’m fairly certain that marital strife entered the picture right around the time the practice of bartering was replaced with the use of paper money. When we bartered, we all had the same power. As long as you had a skill or could make something, you could trade your skill…

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Marriage Quote By Mary Engelbreit

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What does it take to have a happy marriage? Mary Engelbreit says, "A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendship, all the enjoyments of sense and reason, and indeed, all the sweets of life." Happy Marriage Quote Download the Happy Marriage Quote Lighter version of the Happy

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Printables: Romantic Vacation Planner

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When was the last time you and your spouse took a vacation together? It is important to spend time together, with distractions. That means the kids, too. Here is a printable that will help you brainstorm possible vacation destinations together. Romantic Vacation Planner Download the Romantic Vacation Planner here: To…

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Marriage is Like a House Quote Printable

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Marriage can be one of the most rewarding and challenging relationships we have. When things get hard, it is easy to want to give up. This quote reminds us that when things don't go as planned in our marriage, we need to work on fixing them, not abandoning the project…

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