
Mom It Forward and T-Mobile Help Protect Your Family, Your Content, and Your Device


With the temperature rising to uncomfortable levels, many of you might be heading to cooler and more refreshing places...say, the beach or pool for example. After packing up all of your belongings, getting your kids in their bathing suits, arriving at the beach or pool, and setting up your perfect…

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Kids Apps: Avengers and Superhero Apps Review

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As the  mother of an active five-year-old tomboy who enjoys superheroes just as much as the next kid, I am always on the lookout for a good superhero story. Disney does a great job with their newest app additions: The Avengers Origins: Assemble and Avengers Origins: Hulk.

The Avengers

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Education Apps: Tips for Making Learning-on-the-go Fun


Most experts will tell you that kids' learning happens much more easily when it's fun. Heck, most moms—the true experts—will testify that their kids enjoy learning more and retain knowledge better when the learning experience is fun. There are lots of ways you can do that at home. However,…

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Technology: How To Download Free Library Books to an iPad, Kindle, or Cell Phone

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I’ll admit it. I’m cheap. Frugal is a nicer word so let’s go with that. I'm the person who will drive across town to save a few pennies on gas and then realize I spent more dimes on the extra four miles than I saved on gas! So, what is…

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