
Handmade: Valentine’s Craft Project and Pink Popcorn Recipe

parentinghome management

This time of year you can find ready-made Valentine's Treats your child can hand out to classmates at just about every store. Although Valentine's Day cards are convenient and great in a pinch, it's so much more fun to make your own! However, even a simple craft can get…

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Love Photo Booth Printables

free printablesholiday printables

Photo booth printables are all the rage. This Valentine's Day, download the love photo booth printables and take them to your kids school or family party. You will not only capture some fun pictures, but make memories that will last a lifetime. Love Photo Booth Printable Download the love

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Kids Activities: How To Plan a School Valentine’s Day Party

family funactivities

Children always look forward to holiday parties at school. It's a little time out of their day to take a break and have a little fun. The amount of time allowed for this type of event is usually limited so you want to make the best use of the…

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