
10 Tips for Starting Seeds Indoors

lifestylegreen living

It's that time again when gardeners, stuck inside in cold winter weather, start dreaming of springtime gardens. One garden task that can be done indoors during the winter is starting seeds indoors. Starting seeds indoors can be a little tricky though, so I'm sharing a list of tips that help…

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Seed Starting Tips for Kids – Fall Gardens

clubsgreen living

Looking to get the kids more involved outdoors? Here are seed starting tips for kids to get them outsideĀ and learning right now! Gardening with kids is a great opportunity to teach them about a variety of subjects. Not only can they learn how food grows and take responsibility for…

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DIY Plant Markers from Up-Cycled Spoons

lifestylegreen living

Made from up-cycled spoons and seed packets, these DIY Plant Markers would make a great homemade gift for the gardener in your life! Now that it's November, I'm trying to think of creative gifts to make for the upcoming holidays. I've been meaning to make homemade plant markersĀ for a…

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