giving back

Service Ideas: 10 Ways to Help Others Find Happiness

giving backmy worldMom It Forward Mondaystips for giving back

Service—This week's Season of Service challenge is to "find" opportunities to serve. There is a quote commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin which states that "The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to find it yourself." We encourage you to take at least

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Service: Simple Ways to Make the Most Use of Your Time

giving backmy worldMom It Forward Mondaystips for giving back

Service—Your Season of Service challenge this week is to serve with Time, or do acts of service involving time. This does not necessarily mean "time" as a verb, nor "time" in too broad of a sense.  This just means that, as kids return to school, you may find…

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Education: Organizations to Support

giving backmy worldMom It Forward Mondaysbettering communities

This week's Season of Service challenge is based on the verb "educate." Now, if you read this column religiously, you'll note that this verb has already been used, recently. So this post will focus on education nonprofits that you can support. More specifically, we'll focus on the top

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Motherhood: Nurture Service in Your Life

giving backmy worldMom It Forward Mondaystips for giving back

This week's Season of Service challenge involves serving by nurturing, two verbs that naturally go together. Nurturing is an inherent part of motherhood, something celebrated this month on Mother's Day and discussed tomorrow during #GNO sponsored by BabyCenter. Here are some simple ways you can nurture not only…

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