Travel to India: How the Top Thing on My Bucket List Is Becoming a Reality
Do you have a bucket list? What one thing do you most want to do or see or learn before you, well, kick the bucket?
That one thing for me is visiting India.
My grandparents went on a trip around the world when I was a baby. Growing up, I'd ask my grandma to tell me stories to me of her trip. While I loved hearing how she rode elephants in Thailand and loved the food in Turkey, the stories I wanted to hear repeated over and over had to do with India.
Those stories instilled a curiosity in me to visit India.
About 7 years ago, my desire to travel to India was so strong, that I started looking for jobs. I even thought it'd be fun to pack up our little family and go and teach English at an international school. The only problem with that? @troypattee wasn't really game. He was down with visiting, but moving there? Taking the kids? Not so much. So, I began to plot and ploy about how to get there. Then life happened and I put my dreams on hold.
In March, I woke up—a 40-year-old woman! What? How'd that happen. And I sat straight up in bed and said: "Im going to India this year!"
"Oh! Hell!", uttered my sleepy husband.
Not because he was bugged or didn't want me to go or was too sleepy. But because he knew I wouldn't stop until I got there.
I actively started researching organizations that did humanitarian aid. I had no interest in going to India just as a tourist. I wanted to be with the people, get to know the culture, give back, and learn from the beauty of the culture. What a better way than to get smack dab in the middle of it.
Then, I thought what an amazing thing it would be to do social media for social good—partner with a company that had an interest in giving back and making a difference here. I pulled a small team together—a group of women in social media—and we started researching issues like maternal healthcare and education and the companies that may be interested in sponsoring such a trip.
Right in the middle of our planning, I met my fairy godmother who introduced me to the people who would change my plans, but who would help me get to India far sooner than I had thought I would and with far less of my own planning.
So, here I sit in the Amsterdam Airport, waiting to board my flight to Delhi, where I will meet the team from Aveda and visit three villages where we will see their work with Global Green Grants to help eradicate child labor and provide pure water systems.
Sometimes, the fabulous opportunities in our lives come with much planning and hard work. And at other times, they start with a dream and a desire, evolve into action, and come to fruition with a whole lot of amazing events. For me, it started with being on Twitter, meeting Marisa Thalberg from the Estee Lauder Corporation, meeting her in real life, sharing with her my desire to travel to India during a personal conversation, and her connecting me to the Aveda team led by the fabulous Evan Miller.
I'm looking forward to chronicaling my journey here. I hope you'll join me on the ride.
- What's on the top of your bucket list?
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