family fun

Unlock Your Own Superhero

family funactivities

The word superhero evokes images of men and women in cool uniforms. Some can fly, others have superhuman strength, and others use their intelligence to save the day.

What is it exactly that makes us want to mirror the lives of Tony Stark or Captain America? It isn't the fancy gadgets nor is it transforming into a man with the strength of an entire army battalion, though borrowing a few of Tony Stark's gadgets could be fun for an afternoon.

No, it's because superheroes unlock their potential.


More than anything, young girls and boys want to unlock their potential and become the most powerful person they can be. Growing up we played superheroes and immersed ourselves into their world and through battling the evils of Loki and Red Skull. We discovered that we could save the world. We could do anything and be anyone that we wanted to be. This is why I was extremely excited for Mom It Forward to partner with Marvel Super Hero Mashers — we love our superheroes!

Did you know that our very own Jyl Johnson Pattee adores Spiderman? And just like Jyl, I knew my Ryker would be particularly excited to receive not only one Super Hero Masher, but TWO. Getting Iron Patriot couldn't have made this little guy any more excited!

Super Hero Masher

If your kids are like Ryk, then they most likely are a bit rough and tough on their toys. Nothing ruins an inside-day more than when a toy is broken and you have no idea how to fix it. That's the beauty with the Marvel Super Hero Mashers!

Two minutes after I'd handed him an already constructed Iron Patriot, Ryker came to me sporting quite the upset face as he showed me that he'd pulled the leg off. I then showed him that the toys were meant to break apart and quickly removed all of the pieces and showed him that a leg could now be an arm or even a head if he wanted. Every part of them is made to break apart and be re-attached.

Marvel Mashers

How to make your own superhero?

  • Definitely grab more than two heroes, in fact I'll buy them all because of how much fun they were for Ryker, but also mom and dad.
  • If you do happen to buy more than two, keep the majority of them hidden and save them for a rainy day.
  • Don't be afraid to make the craziest superhero. Let your creativity break free. Put Iron Man's blaster as a leg on Captain American and you've made Captain America a science fiction pirate
  • Choose a meaningful name for your hero. Words like "captain, lieutenant, general, etc."
  • Don't be afraid to mix villain and hero parts. Make a villain as strong or even stronger than your hero and watch him unlock his greatness.


There are two types of Marvel Super Hero Mashers that will enable you to create any and every sort of hero/villain you've ever wanted to create:

MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS Action Figures Assortment

(Ages: 4 & up /Approx. Retail Price: $9.99/Available: January 2014)

Mash up your hero, and then crack up your friends! Hasbro’s MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS feature your favorite MARVEL Super Heroes and Villains with completely interchangeable parts and accessories, so kids can create their ultimate (or ultimately silly!) hero. Would a hero with SPIDER-MAN’s body and HAWKEYE’S head shoot arrows or webs? With MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS, the possibilities are colossal for you to make YOUR mash-up! Thirteen figures will be available in this assortment in 2014, featuring favorite Marvel characters like CAPTAIN AMERICA, SPIDER-MAN and GREEN GOBLIN. Each figure is sold separately and comes with an accessory.


(Ages: 4 & up /Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/Available: January 2014)

Mash up your hero, and then crack up your friends! Hasbro’s MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS feature your favorite MARVEL Super Heroes and Villains with completely interchangeable parts and accessories, so kids can create their ultimate (or ultimately silly!) hero. Each MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS BATTLE UPGRADE figure comes with multiple Battle Gear pieces, including a launching missile, for even more crazy combinations! With MARVEL SUPER HERO MASHERS, the possibilities are colossal for you to make YOUR mash-up! Seven figures will be available in this assortment in 2014, featuring favorite Marvel characters like HULK, THOR and VENOM. Additional Mash up arms included with Wave 2 figures. Each figure sold separately.

Be sure to visit the Marvel Super Hero Masher homepage and create your own superhero with a few well-placed "POWS".

Marvel Masher

You can even create your own Super Hero Poster — perfect for your hero or heroine's bedroom.

Marvel Poster

Which two Marvel Super Hero Mashers will you combine? 

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