
Disneyland and Justin Bieber: Planning a Sister’s Vacation to California

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Vacation—Typically, when planning a vacation—family or otherwise—I'd get a say in the agenda. Not this time. And for a very good reason. My youngest sister Brooke is, count them, 20 years younger than me. She just turned 21 and in celebration, my mom flew up from Guatemala and…

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Parenting: 5 Strategies for Interacting Effectively With Your Daughter


Parenting—Amber had been giving her mother the silent treatment all week. She was angry about not being allowed to sleep over at a friend’s house. Late Thursday night, she left a note on her mother’s pillow, asking her mom to wash her uniform before Friday’s soccer game. When Amber…

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Emotions: Three Ways to Express Feelings Effectively


Emotions—I have no shame. Yesterday, I brought my new book along to a neighbor child’s bowling party. The saving grace: my plan was not to show it to all of the moms and dads at the alley—just to the few who had shared my excitement, exhaustion, and general…

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Malaria or a Middle Seat: Day 1 in Kenya


Kenya—Today, after 48 hours, I arrived in Kenya. It’s really quite a long story and I’m jet lagged, but needless to say, the flight attendant told us, an hour and a half into our Detroit to Amsterdam flight that we needed to turn back around and go to Detroit…

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Marriage: 3 Essential Elements of a Healthy Relationship With Your Spouse


Marriage—Falling in love is easy; staying in love requires effort. When the “swept-away” feeling of a young romance fades and you are brought back down to Earth by the day-to-day realities of careers, kids, obligations, and responsibilities, focusing on these three elements can help you maintain a long-lasting, healthy…

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Friendships: 2 Essential Traits of Great Girl Friends


When I was really young, my best friends were all girls. We played Barbies, rode bikes, roller skated, and did all of the things that little girls do, without having to give much thought to making our friendship work. By later elementary and middle school, my girl friendships got…

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