
Blogging Conferences: 10 Reasons to Take Your Spouse

mehobbies & me timelifestylehobbies-me time

I go to a lot of conferences. And while I have ended up in my own hotel room before, normally I'm sharing not only a room, but a bed with other women in social media who, like myself, are looking to reduce cost. But, when I went to Mom

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The Power of Community at the Evo Conference

mebiz, tech, & social media

You know when something goes really great in your life—you knock "it" out of the park (whatever "it" is). These great moments are the highs that make all the lows worth going through! They are what builds a reservoir of happiness, courage, faith, and joy! I've found, though, that most…

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Pool Jumping: The Perfect Ending to the Evo Conference

biz, tech, & social media

Last summer, I watched this fun video from Famous Footwear and was tempted not only to buy amazingly beautiful shoes, but also to jump in a pool in all my clothes. Now that's the power of advertising! A month later, I attended a cocktail party in Denver and when the…

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