
Organization: How to Get and Stay Organized

parentinghome management

I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. Strengths include compassion and wish to help others; weaknesses include feeling overwhelmed, "behind" and disorganized, mostly from information overload. Never mind that I am a world-class procrastinator. What I've tried to do in this year of my victory, is keep…

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Free Printable: Winter Family Activity Calendar

free printablesholiday printables

Do you get the winter blues? Whenever the temperature starts to drop and the days get shorter, I tend to want to sleep and eat. I know I am not the only one that feels this way, right? It is a known fact that many people need to change…

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Summer Activity Calendar Printable

free printablesfamily fun printables

Summer is a great time to catch up on all the activities you aren't able to get to when your kids are in school. Perhaps you are going on a week long vacation, or you are reading all the books in a series. Putting all of your ideas and…

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Holiday Service Calendar Printable

free printablesholiday printables

December is a great month to perform acts of service with your family. Here is a copy of our Holiday Service Calendar. Each day during the month of December, you and your family will be given an idea of how you can serve others. This is a great way…

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Calendar of Events for the Mom It Forward Fundraiser—Reducing Poverty in Kenya, Enhancing Lives!

giving back

More than 20 million rural Kenyans live in extreme poverty. You can get involved and make a difference  in a variety of ways, both online and offline:

  • 3/31: Attend #gnogives kickoff event on Twitter.
  • 4/7: Participate in #gnogives 24-hour Tweet-a-Thon on Twitter.
  • 4/12: Join in the 5 Minutes for Mom

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