
Get Your Child to Love Reading


Reading is a huge part of a child's development. In the early stages, it should be a shared experience between parent and child which can impart a love of books from an early age. Reading skills are an essential part of building a strong imagination, love of story-telling, and interest

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The Reading and Writing Connection


The connection between reading and writing is often overlooked and skill-building for these subjects are usually discussed separately. This relationship is so important, however that it is emphasized early in the training of Reading Recovery(TM) teachers that one can not be effectively taught without the other. What a child learns…

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A Mother-Daughter Book Club

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For as long as I can remember, I've been a reader.  I devour books.  I spend as much time as I can reading.  I mark used book sales on my calendar months ahead of time.  I get giddy at the sight of a Barnes and Noble gift card.  I…

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Reading: The Importance of Reading Aloud to Your Children


It's easy to argue the importance of reading to your children.The effectiveness of doing so, both in terms of improving your child's literacy and your bond with him or her, seems to be obvious. I read to my son every night for the first six years of his life and…

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