free printables

Reading Log Bookmark Printables

free printableseducation printables

When kids are out of school for the summer, they tend to avoid doing any type of school work. How do we avoid letting the summer slide set in? Here is a fun printable that will reward your kids for reading. The Reading Log Bookmark, not only helps your kids…

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Family Vacation: 5 Places to Visit in Washington, D.C.

travelroad trips & staycations

There are so many places to visit throughout the United States. One of the areas in the country that is filled with history, politics, and beauty is Washington, D.C. As the nation's capital, the city and surrounding areas are filled with sights that will educate and entertain during a…

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Cheating in School: Some Important Lessons


The first few weeks of school are special ones. New classes, new teachers, new privileges and along with them, new rules. Yet there is one rule in school that never alters, although it can be so easily overlooked or even misunderstood. The rule? No cheating. Every year as I…

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Back-to-School Supplies to Prepare Your Tween for Middle School


I remember when shopping for back-to-school supplies was creative. Colorful crayons, construction paper, and tiny scissors lined the bottom of my shopping cart. But now, with my tween son heading into middle school, preparing for his academic year has gone well beyond back-to-school supplies created for arts and crafts.…

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Home Safety: Safe Medicine Storage

parentinghome management

June is National Safety Month and the CDC, along with the Protect Initiative, are mobilizing parents across the country to remember the importance of safe medicine storage. Did you know four busloads of kids are taken to the ER every day for accidental medicine ingestion? It was news to…

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