
Green: Summer Eco-Friendly Tips

parentinghome management

Summertime for my family, like most families, is busy. We have weddings, BBQs, graduation parties, pool parties ... the list goes on. We try to desperately fit as much outdoor time into a few short months as possible. The children stay up later catching fire flies, roasting marshmallows, and…

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Green Living: 3 Ways to Make Your Household Green

lifestylegreen living

It’s easy to look around the world today and realize that changes to the way we live need to be made to benefit Earth. It’s just as easy, though, to get completely overwhelmed by the number of changes you could make. Sometimes, the huge number of possibilities can paralyze us.…

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Go Green and Save Green: Five Easy Ways to Pack an Eco-friendly Lunch

lifestylegreen living

The first day of school is fast approaching which means it’s time to start organizing yourself for school day routines, including lunch. While school lunches can be a hassle for parents, they can also be a hassle for the environment. A typical brown bag lunch packed with disposable materials…

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10 Simple Ways to Teach the Benefits of Recycling

giving backtips for giving back

There is nothing like a visit to your nearest landfill to get a feel for the need to recycle. Having in sight huge mounds of trash that, though buried, still reek definitely puts in mind the need to keep those mounds from getting bigger, because you know they're going…

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Go Green: How To Go Green and Save Over $1,000

parentinghome management

Most of us want to become environmentally friendly and make the right choices for ourselves and our families. But sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what to do, or where to find the time to do it! Sometimes we need an extra nudge to change our eco-habits. So we roamed…

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