
How to Display Artwork Creatively

craftsdecor & DIY

Buying artwork can be magical, but often when we get it home we are not sure what to do with it. With a husband as an artist, I am hoping that I can inspire you with a few of the things that I have done at my home with the

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Wall Art Without The Funds

#gno information!

Article written by Kimba at A Soft Place To Land. She writes her creative frugal ideas and shares fabulous links, while she makes a soft place to land for her children. Probably like most of you, our family is cutting way back these days. Sadly for me, the first…

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Kids Craft: How To Make Mixed Media Photo Frames

craftskids crafts

Valentine's Day lends itself to festive food, fun decorations, and special gifts to share with your loved ones. One of my favorite crafts to make with my grandchild are these mixed media photo frames. We get to share quality time with each other and he gets to make…

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