giving back

Ways To Teach Kids ‘Tis Better To Give Than Receive

giving backbettering communities

It is better to give than to receive, however young children can easily be swept away with the “receiving” part of the holiday merriment. Commercialism and stress during the holiday season can sometimes get the best of us and often we struggle to convey the true meaning of the holidays…

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Last GNO Party Before Christmas! Share Your RAKs!

#gno information!

GNO Gals Spread Cheer!

At Tuesday's GNO, we can't wait to hear about all of the random acts of kindness (RAKs) you've been doing to spread holiday cheer this season. RSVP for the party in the center sidebar to follow other GNO Gals on twitter and to be followed.

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GNOs “Happiness Headline” Challenge!

#gno information!

GNO Gals Spread Cheer and Kindness Across the Globe, Making It a Holiday Season to Remember!

This week, we are issuing a challenge—to perform at least one random act of kindness this week and to post about it! We will be creating a newsletter, compiling all of your great submissions

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