
Multi-tasking: Creating Daily and Weekly Routines

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Home Management—The kids are hungry. You’re trying to finish up a business call. Your husband just texted to say he’s going to be late and won’t be able to take the kids to the soccer game, which stinks because that’s when you were going to finally have an…

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Multi-tasking: Setting Boundaries and Routines

metime managementparentinghome management

Last week, I wrote a post about how moms need to get clear on their priorities and let go of the idea of "getting it all done." Several of you commented about how doing less can feel like more when you're doing the things most important to you. I totally…

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Multitasking: How To Live in the Moment and Create Lasting Memories

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There are moments in life you'll remember forever — days you want to bottle. Sometimes it's a major event like a wedding, or the culmination of a lifelong dream. Other times it's just the simplicity of a summer picnic. One of my most memorable times was when my boys…

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Balancing Life 101 Part 3

metime management

By Camille of Finally, the most important factor in the balancing act of motherhood and career is YOU!  No pressure, but so much, and so many people, depend on you.  Aside from trying to meet the expectations of your supervisor at work, you have your own expectations and responsibilities…

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