
Education Development Milestones: Kindergarten Readiness


It's that time of the year! Parents are preparing their children to return to school, or in some cases, begin school for the first time. The following is a list of Kindergarten readiness skills across various domains. Mastery of these skills prior to starting Kindergarten would assist your child in…

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30 Fall Learning Activities


Fall is fast approaching and I can't wait to try these amazing, fall-themed learning activities and educational games with my kids. Whether you're homeschooling or just enjoy playing with your kids there are fall learning activities here for all ages. Popcorn, apples, and so much more, I always feel more…

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5 Name Games for Preschoolers – Learning Activities


Last night, we went to my daughter's preschool orientation. We had the opportunity to tour her new classroom, and she was so excited to see her name all over the place: on the birthday board, on her cubby, on her class folder, and on the list at the beginning of…

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Education: Learning Your Letters


Learning your letters is something every child must go through. I have a preschooler who is currently learning his letters and letter sounds. Having good fundamentals in letter sounds will help your child when he is learning to read and sounding out the words. We want our boys and girls…

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Winter Preschool Math Activity


When teaching math to young children, we often think of number-related concepts, such as counting forward, counting backward, simple addition, and simple subtraction. However, there are a lot of mathematical concepts that can be taught to preschool-age children that are not necessarily related to numbers and operations. Image courtesy of

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