
Summer Learning: Math and Reading Sidewalk Chalk Activities


Very soon, the kids will be out of school for summer. While that means lots of fun activities, we don't want them to experience too much of the "summer slide," where they lose some of what they learned during the school year. To avoid this, it's a good idea…

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Literacy: Why Reading Aloud is Essential


Reading—After raising four sons and working as a teacher, I would have to agree with the experts that reading aloud is essential. Why Reading Aloud is Essential

Decades of Literacy Research Encourages Parents Reading Aloud

  • Becoming a Nation of Readers (1985) reached two conclusions. 1) The single most important

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Kids Craft: How to Make Corner Bookmarks for Kids

craftskids crafts

Are you ever looking for a new, fun, and creative way to get your kids interested in reading? My boys LOVE LEGOs and we thought that some fun Lego people faces would be a great craft. This is a project that is easy enough that the kids can make…

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Literacy: How to Help Your Kids Love Reading and Writing


As parents, most of us have heard how important it is to encourage a love of reading and writing early in our children’s developmental process. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines literacy as the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute using printed…

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Reading: 10 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Read


Reading can and should be an enjoyable activity for your children. It can spark imagination that opens their mind to a whole new world. Not only is it an entertaining activity, it is educational as well. Reading improves and develops language skills, broadens vocabulary, and improves their social skills.…

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