
Adversity: Turning Negative Experiences Into Life Lessons for Growth

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Life Lessons—I had only been in the ocean just off the beachfront property at our Hotel in Cancun for 6 minutes when I felt a sharp, searing pain. The pain was unbearable, as if a shark had ripped off my right foot, and it instantly went numb. When I…

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Character Building Opportunities—How to Mom It Forward During Trying Times

mehealth & fitness

I am going to admit something to you that my husband wishes I'd stay quiet about. I'm sharing, because I firmly believe that community makes us stronger. I also believe that holding everything inside makes us shrivel up. And, that by opening ourselves up to love, support, and kindness and…

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Inspiring Women—Strengthening Each Other Through Our Trials

memy worldrelationships

I attended an event last night sponsored by Cherish Bound where I was taken back to my childhood as I listened to professional story tellers share their growing up tales. If I were an artist and could have captured one sketch of the room it would have included women laughing,…

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