10 Ways to Give Back This Week That Don’t Cost a Cent

my worldMom It Forward Mondays

This week's Season of Service challenge is to do acts of service that involve things you can touch, like a computer keyboard, or do with your hands. Research suggests that just the act of touching can do so much good.

10 Tips for Serving Through Touch

  1. Go to GamesForChange.org or TracesofHope.com to play free digital games that promote awareness of social problems like poverty, human rights violations, or the effects of war.
  2. Do a breast self-exam to screen for any irregularities. Check out these instructions if you need them.
  3. If you have an older child who is a good reader, find out if there is an opportunity at his or her school for him or her to be an after-school reading mentor for a younger child.
  4. Volunteer 5 hours and some of your planning or hosting skills to the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life of Second Life. Relay for Life is a fun, overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the ACS. Second Life is a free 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Relay For Life of Second Life is a completely virtual event where all of the planning, serving, hosting, walking and fundraising are done entirely online.
  5. Send a free Valentine through Macy's Facebook page between Feb. 6th and 14th. For each Valentine sent, Macy's will donate $1 to the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women awareness campaign.
  6. Give your husband and each of your children a hug today, random and sincere.
  7. Learn how to properly touch and handle the American flag by visiting this site.
  8. Offer to help an older parent or neighbor get computer-savvy so they can stay in touch with family and friends more easily. Meet them at their home or your local library.
  9. Invite a new family in your neighborhood over for ice cream.
  10. There are many organizations for whom you can knit and donate items. Here are just a few:

How Will You Give to Others This Week?

  • What other ideas do you have for giving to others by touching?
  • How has touching made a meaningful difference for you this week?
  • How have others touched you this week and what difference has that made in your life?

How Else Can You Make a Difference This Season?

Make a meaningful difference this season by taking the Season of Service (SOS) Challenge. Here's how you can participate:

  • Commit to do one act of kindness/service based on the week's challenge.
  • Leave a comment with ideas relating to the week's challenge as well as your experience(s) performing it.
  • Enter to win each week's giveaway in support of the Just Ask campaign to raise awareness about breast and ovarian health.
  • Join #gno this Tuesday on Twitter to connect with other Mom It Forward moms in an effort to raise awareness about breast and ovarian health. Click here for more details and to RSVP.
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