How to Strengthen Sibling Bonds


Between holidays, snow days, and sick days, my daughters are getting an awful lot of together time lately. Sometimes, quality bonding is enough to drive this Mama to the brink, but I actually find that the more time they spend together, the more they like to spend time together. 3…

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For Richer or For Poorer: Making Contradictions Work for a Successful Marriage


For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; from the very first day we say “I do,” marriage is filled with contradictions. The secret to making your relationship last until “death do you part?” Finding the balance between extremes and establishing equilibrium when it matters. You may visit

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Strengthening Parent/Child Bonds: 6 Tips for Dating Your Children


In working with clients over the years, I've witnessed so many missed opportunities for parents and kids to connect that I've begun pointing out simple ways you can "date your kids."
In addition to regularly planned and scheduled dates with your children, what if I were to propose the

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Family: The Importance of Mother-Son Relationships


Parenting—When you are a mom all of your children are special, son or daughter, first or last. Each holds a special place in your heart but in a very different way. My son and daughter are polar opposites, thank goodness! It would be a bit boring and mundane to…

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Relationships: 3 Tips to Bringing Sexy Back in Your Marriage After a Baby


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Teenagers: 3 Ways to Help Kids Improve Communication Skills


Teenagers—How does a mother explain how her tween daughter remembers every detail of an episode of iCarly, but can’t for the life of her recall where the hamper is? What’s really going on with an adolescent who quotes verbatim the whispered conversations of faraway classmates, but insists that she…

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