
  • Welcome to our Education page. Find tips on a variety of topics and projects including, reading, math, science, art, music, foreign language, geography, and more. This list highlights our most popular posts, or scroll down for the most recent tips.

Education: 8 Ways to Keep Math Skills Up in the Summer


Education—Summer is the break kids look forward so they can shut off their minds. But summer is also three months out of the year when your kid’s developing brains should be practicing and staying in shape. As summer activities begin, keep your children’s minds open and ready for growth…

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Summer Learning: How to Make an Educational Treasure Map


It can be hard this time of year, particularly during the summer, to keep up your kids' enthusiasm for learning. For that matter, it can be hard for you to keep up your enthusiasm to help your kids to learn. If you're like me, you've been working hard…

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Summer Learning: Math and Reading Sidewalk Chalk Activities


Very soon, the kids will be out of school for summer. While that means lots of fun activities, we don't want them to experience too much of the "summer slide," where they lose some of what they learned during the school year. To avoid this, it's a good idea…

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Bugs and Insects: How Moms Can Find Their Inner Bugdork!


Kids all over the world speak bug. It’s a common language filled with shrieks and squeals that is accented with wonder at everything that crawls, wriggles and creeps. As people get older, however, their love of insects and spiders can turn into an outright fear/hatred that is often passed…

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Get Your Child to Love Reading


Reading is a huge part of a child's development. In the early stages, it should be a shared experience between parent and child which can impart a love of books from an early age. Reading skills are an essential part of building a strong imagination, love of story-telling, and interest

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Spring Education: Lessons Learned From the Sky


As spring approaches and snow clouds disappear, the blue skies pop out and so do the light breezes that pull you outdoors. There is so much we can learn with our children by looking at the sky. Take some time as the weather gets warmer to look up and see…

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