
Infographic: 20 Facts to Scare Your Kid Out of Texting While Driving

parentingages and stages

Sometimes it seems that today's teens have more distractions than common sense, which may be why they cause more accidents than any other age group. It's time to take action and scare your teens into driving safely! Read this infographic to learn the scary facts your teens need to hear. For example, distracted driving (such as texting behind the wheel) is six times more likely to cause an accident than drunk driving!


Whether your teen is texting with the latest smartphone or something more basic, it needs to stop! Share this infographic with peer parents to spread the word: this dangerous trend needs to end.

5 Tips to Avoid Texting While Driving

  •  Look into phone apps that lock the phone. 
  •  Ask your son or daughter: Is it worth causing an accident? 
  •  Leave the phone in the trunk 
  •  Have a “designated texter” 
  •  Share the stats from this infographic, of course! Data can be pretty persuasive.


What are you doing to teach your children about safe driving?

teddy_hunt_avatar Teddy Hunt content writer with a focus on technology. When not behind a computer or trying to find prepaid phones for the less fortunate, Teddy spends the majority of his free time outdoors and resides in Tampa, Florida. You can connect with him on Twitter at @tedhunt9.


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