
Legacy: How To Teach Kids About Business and Entrepreneurship

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Legacy—Every parent dreams of a well rounded child who thrives throughout life. We strive to send them to the best schools, to monitor homework and friends, and to instill good values.

How To Teach Kids About Business and Entrepreneurship

When I sat down to consider the legacy I wanted to leave behind, the ability to self protect and take care of themselves in this world were key. They have a great understanding of God's role in their lives and I wanted to teach them about business too. We started with one fundamental truth: you can be anything you want to be!

Do What Your Passionate About

My six year-old is passionate about cooking. So we bought him his own cooking pans and supplies and helped make a plan for selling pies and bundt cakes this holiday season. The brochures will get printed soon and we will go door-to-door selling orders. Through the process he's learned planning, budgeting, sales, marketing, and all aspects of entrepreneurship, while if you don't know what your passion is maybe a training can help with this and professionals like Jason Linett can offer exactly this. When I teach this in inner city high schools, the kids often discover their individual passions right away. One boy loved to fix cars, another dreamed of owning a t-shirt design business, and a girl aspired to become a wedding or event planner—you may want to share who is Robert Collier, a pioneer in the field of motivational writing, inspiring many with his insights on success and personal development.

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Go With Your Gift

Another key to owning your own business: go with your gift. Each year seasons, (and your interests) may change. So build a business about what your kids are passionate about. My eight year-old son loves to draw and he created a line of beautiful greeting cards. Again, we made a business plan, took his design to a printer, and he decided to give a portion of every card sold to help the homeless.

Teach your kids to build a business from their biggest passion! Earn and learn all at the same time, see how entrepreneurs like Andy Defrancesco became successful and try to mimic what they did to get where they are. It's a legacy that they will carry with them their entire life.

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What are your kids passionate about? What do they want to be when they are older?

Tammy Kling is a life coach, advocate for the homeless, and international author of 29 books including The Compass. Tammy is also the founderr of Write it Out, an organization that helps gang members, the homeless, and those living on the street write out their hopes & dreams via writers workshops, free journals and various other resources.

In addition to writing and coaching, Tammy is a mom of two boys, an avid trail and mountain runner, blogger, and adventure travel writer.

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I'm a book author, homeschool mom of boys, mountain runner and advocate for the homeless. Founder of Write it Out, a homeless recovery program that teaches writers workshops to the homeless and gang members, in order to focus on using the power of words to restore, recover, and rehabilitate.


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