giving back

Five Simple Ways to Eat a More Humane and Healthy Menu

giving back

I’ve had animals for as long as I can remember. I've always had animals and once my husband and I were married we started the slow process of becoming more and more self-sufficient. That's why I'm glad the ASPCA is going beyond a message of just adopting a #ShelterPet, but…

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Pets: 7 Ways Dogs Enhance Family Relationships


Those of you who know me understand that I'm afraid of animals. The fear I have for dogs, cats, horses, and other animals is illogical, difficult to understand, and downright ridiculous. But, aren't most fears? When I married Troy Pattee 15 years ago, he only had one requirement:…

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Family Outdoor Activities for Winter: Zoo Bingo Printable

family funactivities

Getting active as a family in the winter months, especially if you live somewhere cold, can be challenging. The bears may be on to something with that hibernation thing! LOL! But really, the winter season is the perfect time to get out, get active as a family, and go to…

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Photography: Family Photo Walk at Utah’s Wheeler Farm

family funactivities

We had a goal to come up with the perfect family outing that got us out of the house, helped unite us, was creative, and active all at the same time. What could have been more perfect than a family photo walk to a nearby farm? Family Photo Walk at…

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What to Do With Your Dog When You Travel

travelroad trips & staycations

Going on vacation soon? Wondering what to do with your dog when you travel? Consider a doggy boot camp, combining boarding and dog training, for your dog while you're on your trip. We recently took a 3 1/2 week family vacation to Europe. As part of our planning process, we…

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