
Recipe: Magic Bars with Chocolate and Coconut

foodsweet treats

When I heard I would be guest posting for Mom It Forward, I knew the timing couldn't have been any better! I was throwing a surprise birthday party for my husband's 30th birthday and I had already planned to makeĀ  perfect crowd pleasing dessert. This is a recipe I…

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Pecan Blondies Recipe – Delicious Brownie Twist

foodsweet treats

There are times when you want a brownie, but then there are other times when it's counterpart, the Blondie will most certainly do. Blondies are great treats to make especially if someone you know is allergic to chocolate. You can substitute chocolate chips for nuts or even dried fruit. (Try…

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Cookie Recipe: Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

mearts & entertainmentrecipesfood

When I was pregnant with my youngest, I was addicted to Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. I love that particular flavor to this day. So, when I hosted my first cookie exchange in mid December and my sister Brooke walked in with a plate full of Mint…

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