
Working it Out by Working Out


Relationships—Studies have shown that those who work out together grow a stronger bond. Therapist Dr. Whipple explained that exercising releases endorphins that make us happy and we naturally feel closer to those we are happy with. Take the opportunity with your spouse to get in shape and better your…

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Health and Wellness: How to Model a Balanced Life for Your Kids


September is right around the corner, which can mean busier schedules and more stress. But sending the kids back to school doesn’t mean you have to turn your back on the days of family fun and having balance in your daily life. Feeling stressed is inevitable, but you can…

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Exercise: How to Fit Fitness Into Your Day


Let's face it, we may have 24 hours in a day but by the time we tend to the kids, the house, the errands, and the career, there's not much time or energy left for us, is there? One thing I've heard countless times from other moms is how they…

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5 Tips to Get and Stay Active


When people find out that I work part time as a fitness instructor, they often ask me about the best activity to lose weight and get fit. The truth is, anyone can start an exercise program, even really grueling programs that will help you drop weight quickly.  Sticking…

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Heart Health: Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

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Developing time for your self care in relation to your physical body is a must for optimal health. By now, most of us have heard that the leading cause of death for women and men in the United States is heart disease, and over 60 million Americans currently suffer…

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