
Me Time: 4 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

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With Valentine's Day soon approaching, many will be thinking of how to show those closest to them how much they care. For Moms, these types of thoughts tend to occupy our minds more frequently than once a year. The daily routine revolves around ensuring the family is well taken…

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Me Time: 8 Ways to Get Social With Other Women

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Allowing yourself to develop time for a social life is an area you may or may not place a priority. In the realm of coaching, this area finds a slot in the work/play dimension of the Wellness Inventory Wheel. For sure, you embrace the work aspect and make this a

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Goal Setting That Helps You Focus on Your Passions

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We are just weeks away from the new year and entering 2012. Now is the time for goal setting to transform your life. Notice how I didn't just say change your life? I said transform. Change implies that something is broken and needs fixing, but transformation? That's a beautiful word.…

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Self Care: 6 Tips to Develop Your Spirituality

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The past few weeks we have brought awareness to the need of time management related to your self care and more specifically the care of your physical self. Time management for “me time” really includes so much more than our physical bodies. Utilizing small steps toward the time management of…

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Me Time: How To Develop Time for Better Self Care

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Developing time for your self care in relation to your physical body does take a little planning. I am addressing the need of incorporating better nutrition into your routine. How do you plan meals? I want to ask you first if this is an area you want to improve on.…

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