giving back

Passions and Dreams: Jenny Eckton is Formerly Phread and Finally Fine

giving backmy worldmoms making a differencemoms making a difference

Me Time—Jenny Eckton grew up in southwestern New York. At age 19, she moved eight states west to Provo, Utah, to create a band with a friend. She played bass guitar and sang. They named themselves, "Garage Sale." She intended to stay in Provo only temporarily, but fell in…

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Priorities: Do You Have to Be Alone to Have “Me Time?”

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Me Time—I never knew what not having "me time" meant until I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom. In the corporate world, I went to lunch with friends or clients every day. If I had any extra time, I'd grab a co-worker and we'd go for…

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Time Management: 5 Tips to Spending Time on What Matters Most

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Time Management—What matters the very most to you in your life? I was listening to a bi-annual conference for my church today and one of the speakers shared that love is spelled t-i-m-e. He then asked us to ponder: "Where are you dedicating your time?" In other words, what…

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Time Management: 10 Stress Relieving Hobbies That Improve Productivity

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Time Management—When you evaluate your "me time" and your hobbies—what you do in your time off—what tops your list? And, do those things relieve or increase your stress? Choosing stress-relieving actvities—those that help calm you down, give you time to think, help you gain perspective, get your …

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Putting Me First: Week 2 as a Mom at a Live-In Weight Loss Camp

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Weight Loss—I tried to sleep in, I really did, but this is my first Monday morning weigh in! I have been here for one week and each Monday we all weigh in to see our progress. Every two weeks, we weigh and measure. My assessment time was 7:20am, but…

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