
Me Time: Sewing a Wallet or Credit Card Holder

craftsdecor & DIY

It's important to set aside "me time" during the day. There are days where my patience is running thin and things just aren't going smoothly.  Those are the days when I need to sit down and focus on something completely different to help my mind reset. One of…

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A Mother’s Hands


It is often said that you can tell a lot about a man by looking at his hands. It's true, in so many ways, a man's hands are revealing to the eye. They are simpler, much more straightforward than we are, aren't they? What you see is what you get. …

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Home Safety: Safe Medicine Storage

parentinghome management

June is National Safety Month and the CDC, along with the Protect Initiative, are mobilizing parents across the country to remember the importance of safe medicine storage. Did you know four busloads of kids are taken to the ER every day for accidental medicine ingestion? It was news to…

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Global Healthcare: Moms Helping Moms

giving backbettering communities

Have you ever wondered why all the focus on global healthcare issues when there is so much suffering right in our own communities and sometimes as close as in the next bedroom? My little brother, Mark, was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 16 years old. But his struggles began…

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Power of Story Week 4: Discovering Where I Come From

lifestylehobbies-me time

I was 18 and moved away from home for the very first time; a whole state away. I wasn't worried, though; I was brave. Or so I thought. After the excitement of the first few nights wore off, I was ready to go home and sleep in my own bed.…

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