Why It’s Important to Let Kids Make Messes


Do you think it is important to let you kids make messes? I'll share with you why I do! We fuss constantly - clean up your room, wash your hands, put your laundry away. When was the last time you just let them be messy? I know this comes…

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The Importance of Being Bored

family funages and stagesstrengthening family

We are winding down the summer weeks and it is easy, as parents, to look at our bag of tricks and realize that we've burned through most of our ideas. We've taken the family trips, we've done the crafts, taken picnics, and we've cleaned the closets. Summer camps and…

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Encouraging Active Play: 10 Ways to Get Your Child Moving

parentingages and stages

Active play is defined as any type of physical activity that children do which involves moderate to high bursts of energy, thereby raising their heart rate. Research shows that encouraging active play in children helps boost mental development and resistance to infections, among other benefits. Below are 10 ways of…

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Play Nice Day – Teaching Kids to Play Nice

parentingages and stages

Have little ones of all ages can make playtime challenging some days. Riley, at age 3, always wants to play with Julia and Nate. Bless their hearts, they always accommodate him, but there are times that they need their own play time, too. It can be a challenge to help…

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Saving Summer: Making a Collage to Commemorate the Season


“Summer has flown by” seems to be the unanimous and wistful agreement among my Mom-friends. Even if you haven’t found a way to put time in a bottle (and if you have, please share it with me!), here’s an idea for preserving your memories of this summer’s fun. At any…

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