mom • crafts • crafts • holidays
by Jen Tilley on September 11th, 2020 | 3 Comments »
Fall Crafts—Sweaters, boots, jeans, pumpkin-filled treats, oranges, reds, leaves, apples, cider...all of these items have one thing in common: Fall. The first day of Fall was this past Friday. Can you believe it? I don't know about you but it feels like yesteday we were just heading into…
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crafts • kids crafts
by Jen Tilley on October 30th, 2015 | No Comments »
There are so many craft supplies out there on the market today. All of them offer such a fun and unique way to make creativity come alive in the form of a craft project. Instead of running up to the store to buy your craft supplies, have you ever thought…
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crafts • decor & DIY
by Mom It Forward on March 8th, 2012 | No Comments »
We're big on doing crafts here, both with kids and without. Any excuse to break out adhesive of any kind, paper, and glitter, and we're there! Recently, a few of our favorite crafters got together during a MomItForward Twitter Girls' Night Out (#gno) sponsored by Plaid, and talked about…
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mom • crafts • crafts • decor & DIY
by Mom It Forward on August 29th, 2011 | No Comments »
Crafts—Maybe most of you already know this, but I recently discovered the power of creativity as a means of connection. I don’t see myself as creative, in the artistic sense, in my hobbies of scrapbooking and card-making. But I do think of myself as a creative genius when…
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