family fun

Strengthening Families: How to Build a Family Team

family funstrengthening family

Successful families are just like successful teams. It takes team work, patience, practice and lots of energy and effort to be a winning team, and a winning family. Here are 5 things you and your family can do to help your family build a winning team. 5 Ways to Build…

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Create Meaningful Family Traditions

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The holidays are filled with family traditions. As you and your family gather together this week, think about the things you are doing as a family to create traditions. It can be as simple as the foods you eat, the activities you do, the books you read or the…

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Printable: Picture It Communication Game

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Try out this Picture It communication game the next chance you get to spend quality time with the family. It can be played with immediate family or even help build relationships with extended family. It's a game that will explore communication styles and emphasize listening to one another.…

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Family Member of the Month Printable

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Ask members of your family what would make them feel special. During months with special events, like a family member's birthday, make them the family member of the month. Show them how much they mean to the family. Teach them how to serve and love one another. Use this…

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Printable: Creative Problem Solving

free printablesfamily fun printables

Teach your kids to effectively problem solve without getting worked up or angry. Help them realize that there are many ways to handle a situation creatively and reasonably. Use this Creative Problem Solving printable to write down problems and solutions. Get your family to work as a team and solve…

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