family fun

Summer: 10 Family Fun Activities to Do This Summer

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Summer is just around the corner, and if you are anything like me, you are wondering what fun family activities you would like to do together. Vacations are wonderful, but what else can you do that won't break your budget?

Family Summer Activities

Here are 10 family activities you can do that will not break the bank.

1. Break the Ice

Spring for a few colorful, plastic "treasures" from your local dollar store. Fill a small to medium-sized plastic tub with water and place your treasures in the water. Then, put the plastic tub in the freezer until completely frozen. On the next hot summer day, take the frozen tub out to the yard and use plastic spoons and hot, sticky fingers and toes to free the treasures!

2. Drive-In Movie Night

For some old-fashioned family fun, bring your laptop or portable DVD device outside for a drive-in movie night. Spread out a blanket in the grass and be sure to try a classic treat to beat the heat, such as root beer floats or frozen watermelon.

3. Ice Cream Parlor

Turn your kitchen into an ice cream parlor by supplying two or three flavors of ice cream and all of the toppings. To top it off, name your family ice cream parlor and have the kids create fun menus that include the funky creations you come up with.

4. Water Balloon Fun

Instead of a fight, have water balloon fun! Fill up water balloons with cold water, then practice hitting targets, dunking them like they're basketballs, and seeing who can pop them by sitting on them! It's a fun way to cool off and no one loses.

5. Backyard Camping

Camping is a lot more fun when you know you can run inside to use the bathroom. A tent, a bonfire, and some marshmallows or weenies for roasting make it extra enjoyable, even if it doesn't cool you off.

6. Picnic Time

Grab a basket or a bag and fill it with some easy summer treats like fruit and juice boxes. Take a walk or drive to a shady park and enjoy a picnic lunch under a tree.

7. Car Wash

Washing the family car(s) is a fun way to do something useful, while having fun and keeping cool. A few rags, a bucket, and a hose will have everyone laughing while getting the cars squeaky clean. Everyone loves helping out during a car wash and when someone's not using the hose, they can be playing in the puddles.

8. Sidewalk Art

There are all kinds of art projects that are best done outside. The sidewalk is the perfect canvas for chalk and the grassy front or backyard makes the perfect place for finger painting. You can hang finger paintings on the clothesline to dry and use newspapers for extra-large creations.

9. Summer Scavenger Hunt

Design a scavenger hunt that asks the participants to collect a list of items that can be found in the backyard or front yard. Choose items like an acorn, a blade of grass, a dandelion, a wildflower, or a leaf. The person who collects the most items from the list wins the game. The winner gets an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner.

10. Barbeque Dinner Time

One of the most memorable summer activities you can have is a barbeque. Classic food like hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, watermelon, and potato salad are easy to make and please even picky eaters! Invite another family over for laughter and conversation. These memories will last a lifetime!

What fun activities do you have planned for your family this summer?

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Brenda Tinker likes to write about family fun, saving money & frequenting

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