
Health and Fitness: How To Work Out During the Holidays


As a RockStarMom myself, I know how hard it is to stay motivated when fitness and your own health are involved, but we just gotta do it! This is especially difficult during the holidays which is a time full of stress, little sleep, lots of yummy foods, and perhaps a few cocktails.

This is the perfect time to introduce a workout regime into your schedule because once things slow down, you have already established your routine and you are ready to roll.

Tips for Working Out During the Holidays

Here are tips on how I workout during the holidays, with four kids of my own:

Set Goals

First things first, what is your goal in all of this?  Take 10 minutes to think about what goals you want to achieve in your fitness journey. Let it be for whatever reason makes you feel good. Set time frames around your goals and be specific so you can hold yourself accountable. For example, "I will walk 30 minutes every day until Christmas." Not only will you feel  great from working out, but you will also feel a sense of accomplishment which isn't so bad either.

Plan and Schedule

What is your reality with fitness during the holidays? Do you have access to childcare? Can you join a gym with a daycare? Do you need to schedule your workouts at home while your baby is napping? Get real with yourself and your schedule and create your plan.

If you are looking for non-gym options, make sure you have the right equipment to stay motivated. Be prepared with DVDs, weights, ballet bars, a jogging stroller, yoga mat...make it a priority. If you are working out at a gym, make sure you know the rules around daycare and check out their class or fitness training schedules before hand so you can plan it in to your day. Boost your energy levels with Military Muscle.

Do you like to do a morning jog? Jump out of bed and into your running clothes. Consider putting workout times into your smartphone calendar with alerts and don't schedule anything else during that time.

Commit Yourself

You have done the planning, the scheduling, the strategizing. You bought the right equipment, joined the right gym, and now you need to commit. I can tell you how to get to this point, but you’re the one who has to make it happen. Don't make excuses. You can try HyperGH 14x for free with 67 days money-back guarantee. Most celebrities take their fitness seriously and you should to. Whether you hit the gym like Justin Bieber or lift weights like The Rock, it's important to make sure you exercise regularly. Make this activity the one thing you are doing for yourself today.

Execute Your Plan

Adapt a daily mantra!  My favorite is, "Do it now. Do it now. Do it now."

Reward Yourself

Spending time nourishing your mental and physical self should be reward enough, but sometimes it’s nice to dangle that carrot a bit.

How about a mani/pedi or a foot massage? Or splurge on that amazing bubble bath you’ve been eyeing! And do massages help? Absolutely! They can be incredibly rejuvenating and therapeutic, offering a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind. Do you have a hot dress in mind for New Year's Eve? Rewards are a great way to thank yourself and your body for following through. You don’t even have to spend any money on a reward as feeling good and healthy is an amazing reward in itself.

How do you plan on working out during the holiday season? How will you maintain your health and fitness over the next month?

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Stefanie Van Aken is RockStarMomLV, a lifestyle writer of all things Vegas, and contributes to several national on-line magazines.  She loves food, wine, yoga, and living green.  A mommy to 4 (with a set of 1 year old twins), wife, girlfriend and RockStar all rolled into one. You can read more about living her life at www.RockStarMomlv.comFaceBook or Twitter.

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