family fun

Printables: ‘About Me’ Helps Record Child Memories and Milestones

family funfamily fun-traditions

When my kids were in the 1st grade, their teacher would ask her students to put together an About Me page. Each child was required to bring a poster to school with information about themselves. This helped the other kids in the class could get to know them. I loved putting these fun little keepsakes together so they could record important information about themselves. It seems like their lives change so quickly, and creating an About Me page is a great way to capture their history.

Jessica's About Me page

Some of my kids made elaborate posters, and other just filled out a sheet of paper capturing their information. We want to help you collect your family member information, so we created a fun printable for you. You can have each of your children fill out this page at the beginning of the year or anytime you like. File it away, and before you know it, you will have important details written down that will last a lifetime.


How Do I Download?

To download this About Me printable click here.

To download our other printables from our Family History eBook, purchase our Family History eBook "here".

 How do you like to capture important family member moments?

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