
Healthy Kids: Managing Food Allergies Through Education and Advocacy


Food Allergies—Five months ago, my then seven month old baby was diagnosed with multiple food allergies after a severe bout with dermatitis. His dermatitis began when he was around four months old and even though we as parents knew he had food allergies, it took us three long…

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3 Tips to Improve Your Wellness


This year I challenge you to ask of yourself the gift of FLOWERS…a Focused Life of Wellness whose Example Raises Strength, of course! Let me explain. I care about you as a mom, and I think it’s important for you to take time…

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Balanced Play: Indoor and Outdoor Games to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

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Lifestyle—It takes only a sentence to fully translate how I understand the concept of balanced play. That sentence is the following: “I am a single mom with two sons under the age of ten.” While it can be a challenge to find the space and time to take my…

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Exercise for Kids: How Parents Can Keep Kids Active

parentingages and stages

When I was growing up, “in the good old days,” exercise was built into my daily play routine. Here is a common refrain I hear from parents of children who are close to my daughter’s age (who is soon to be 8 years old), “It’s just not the same…

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Together Counts: Tuesday #gno Twitter Party on Getting Active and Healthy Together

#gno information!

The most powerful force on the planet for healthy weight change isn’t fad diets or gym memberships; it’s the power of teamwork — of making a commitment to get active and healthy together. Across the country families are taking a pledge to do just that. They’re eating meals together, they’re…

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