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Together Counts: Tuesday #gno Twitter Party on Getting Active and Healthy Together

#gno information!

The most powerful force on the planet for healthy weight change isn’t fad diets or gym memberships; it’s the power of teamwork — of making a commitment to get active and healthy together.

Across the country families are taking a pledge to do just that. They’re eating meals together, they’re being physically active together, and they’re keeping score. Together Counts is providing people with the inspiration, the plat­form, and a record of their progress.

Together Counts is a nationwide program all about energy balance. Their goal is to show members how to strike the balance between calo­ries consumed and calories burned. Calories in, calories out. It’s that simple. This way, getting active and healthy becomes easy — easy as a dinner date followed by a walk with the people we care about most.

Party Topic

Join Together Counts and our panel of experts as we discuss ways to work together and commit to healthier and more active lives. The party will be held on Tuesday, May 10 from 9-11 ET (8CT, 7MT, 6PT). Click here to see details about the giveaway and enter for a chance to win.

Party Details

RT @MomItForward Join @togethercounts #gno Twitter party 5/10 (9-11 ET) on getting active & healthy http://bit.ly/k4Rh0M #HealthyKids PLS RT

Note: Mom It Forward accepts paid sponsorships for most #gno Twitter parties. During the parties, brand sponsors provide tips, techniques, expert advice, and information on party topics. Mom It Forward is grateful for the giveaway prizes, coupons, and discounts that sponsors also provide to the Mom It Forward community in conjunction with #gno Twitter parties.

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Jen Tilley

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