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Going Green: 10 Simple Ways To Live Greener

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As consumers, we face hundreds of small choices on a daily basis and how we make those decisions can impact generations to come. Living a greener life not only helps the planet, it also helps you model good behavior to your children by leaving them, and future generations, with a healthier way of life. It is January 5th, 2012, but it's not too late to add one more resolution to your list. Go Green!

Resolving to go green can seem like a daunting task for those of us who are busy, over scheduled, and overworked. The truth is that going green starts small and is easier than you think. For instance, you can implement ecommerce carbon offsetting for online stores if you’re an online store owner looking to align your business with eco-friendly practices to reduce your environmental impact and contribute to sustainability initiatives. Before you know it, all of the small things add up and you're suddenly green!

The side effects of being green are that it can save you money, make you and your family healthier, and it can also be contagious. Of course, the most desirable side effect is that our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be able to enjoy a beautiful Earth, free of toxins, pollutants, and contaminants, that they deserve to inherit. If everyone starts out small, we can all make it happen together!

10 Simple Ways to Live Greener

Most of us incorporate green living every day without even thinking about it. If you do any of the following things on a regular basis then you are one step closer to going green for 2012:

  • Turn off lights upon leaving a room
  • Fill the dishwasher and washing machine up completely before doing a load
  • Pay bills online instead of receiving paper bills
  • Run errands in one trip instead of multiple trips
  • Buy products made in the U.S.A
  • Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer
  • Buy locally grown produce and/or produce from a farmer's market
  • Use ceiling fans
  • Wash clothes in cold water (whenever possible)
  • Use energy star appliances. You can schedule Appliance Repair Service at

Each Thursday, we will feature tips, ideas, and strategies for going green as well as how these changes affect other aspects of our lives. Next week, we will explore easy ways to be green and learn how to calculate our carbon footprint as we take baby steps toward our goal and resolution.

What "green" things do you do everyday without thinking about it?  Please leave your ideas and tips as a comment to help others start small, so that we can all work together for a healthy planet.

What do you do on a daily basis to live a greener life?

Tracey Lenac is the founder, editor and publisher of Raising California, an online magazine that highlights elements of holistic, organic, GREEN lifestyle choices along with homeschooling and spirituality.   She is also the founder of Soul Centered Kids in Los Angeles, California, where she teaches soul centered skills such as meditation, reiki and yoga to children of all ages and developmental abilities and the founder of The Souls of Boys, an online store specializing in non violent, non toxic, soul centered toys, books, media and resources for boys.  Tracey has a Master of Arts degree in Education and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is also a registered Reiki Master/Teacher, organic gardener, the mom of two boys and a secular homeschooler.

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