5 Name Games for Preschoolers – Learning Activities
Last night, we went to my daughter's preschool orientation. We had the opportunity to tour her new classroom, and she was so excited to see her name all over the place: on the birthday board, on her cubby, on her class folder, and on the list at the beginning of the hallway. Preschool-age children love being able to identify their names in a variety of ways and places. These five name activities will help them to identify their written names and form the letters to write their names independently.
5 Learning Activities for Preschoolers Using Their Name
1. Learn to write your name. Rather than using those old dashed letters to trace like we may have done as children, try writing your child's name in highlighter and allowing him/her to trace over the letters with a darker-colored marker.
2. The Name Critter - Begin by folding a sheet of paper in half the long way. Have your child write his/her name along the fold in large letters. Cut around the name to form an interesting figure. Flip the paper over and encourage your child to design a Name Critter. This can be an animal, an alien - really anything unique that can show off your child's personal style.
3. The Name Puzzle - Cut a sheet of paper in half the long way. Have your child write his/her name in large letters. Next, your child will cut between each letter in his/her name to create individual letter cards. See if your child can re-arrange the letters after they have been cut. A variation for a group of children would be to write each letter in each child's name on a sticky note, stick them to the classroom door or white board, and have the children find the letters in their names and arrange them properly.
4. Dough Name - Print the outline of your child's name in large letters on white paper. Children will roll out play dough to make 'snakes' and form the snakes into the different letters of their names. This activity can be repeated by simply laminating the name strip. It's great for a fine motor center or early morning activity in a preschool classroom.
5. Magnetic Name - Sorting through the letters is a great way to target visual scanning. It's also a good way for children who have fine motor delays to practice writing their names. I like to use a cookie sheet (I covered this one in aluminum foil) so that the letters will stick to the surface. Children can practice writing not only their names, but their classmates' names as well.
Children love to see their names and hear their names. That's why name games can be a great way to teach educational activities to your preschooler - they have so much fun!
What fun name activities have you done with preschoolers?
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