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9 Summer Accessories that say TRENDY

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Trendy Summer Accessories - 9 Must-Have Pieces

Can you believe that we are already halfway through summer! Man where does the time go? It's no secret that I totally get brain freeze when it comes to dressing in the summer. Bermuda shorts and graphic tees are my mom uniform on the daily. It's just so darn hot and I just can't think much outside of the wardrobe box. You know what I'm saying?

Stretch Your Wardrobe With Trendy Summer Accessories

That is why I LOVE using accessories to add a little wow factor to my outfits. Accessories are a great way to add a little personality when the rest of your outfit says I can't be bothered with thinking too hard about getting dressed today. Which is a regular occurrence around these here parts. So today I am super excited to share with you 9 Summer Accessories that say TRENDY!

Trendy Summer Accessories: Tote Bags and Head Scarves


First let's talk Totes, shall we? Nothing quite says summer like a nice big tote full of all sorts of summer goodness like towels, sunblock, snacks and such. It is my go-to when packing up my crew for the park, the swimming pool, or on summer vacations. I also love the idea of a fun print or bright colored tote especially for summer. Summer in my eyes always means bright and cheery colors!

Here's a confession for ya: I hate doing my hair in the summer. So anything that makes life easier in that aspect is a go in my book! Head scarves and headbands are a great easy and quick way to do your hair but it still looks like you put some effort into it. Right up my alley!

Trendy Summer Accessories: Floppy Hat and Sun Glasses


This year I jumped on the floppy hat train in a big way! I love mine and can't get enough of them! Not only are they great for a little pool time, they also can be paired with any outfit look and it looks oh so boho chic!

And, do I really need to explain why we all love sunnies? But mirrored sunnies are especially in this year and can be found at any local Target at a great price. I typically try to pick up trendier items at cheaper prices...cuz who knows if they are gonna be around next year?

9 Summer Accessory Trends - Kimono and Birks


(the knock off kind count too)

Kimonos have been everywhere this summer..I mean EVERYWHERE! And I have to admit that they are another trend I have fallen for and fallen hard. Guilty! I especially love pairing mine with a graphic tee to give it a little more edge. Lightweight, bold prints, and cheerful colors, they are perfect for a little summer layering!

Birkenstocks are back baby! And if you're like me and didn't hang on to them these past 10 or so years then you are in luck. The knock off kinds are just as cute(if not cuter) and a lot less dough. So a win-win really. But high fives to you if you were insightful enough to hang on to a pair...high fives to you.

Summer Accessory Trends - Bright Lips and Bracelets


(and lots of them too)

Lips an accessory? Yes sir-ree! With so many fun shades out there your lipstick choice is definitely an accessory. From bright pinks to lilacs to reds your lipstick choice definitely can and will add a little something something to your outfit! Don't be afraid to go bold and try something new for summer!

You also can't go wrong with an arm party. Don't be afraid to stack your bracelets...the more the better! I especially love bracelets that have an inspirational message. Most days around here can get a little crazy so to be able to look down at my bracelet and remember to shine is sometimes exactly what I need! And if you want to get a little crafty check out this DIY Summer Jewelry option!  Wouldn't mind if I made these awesome DIY charms part of my arm party!

Summer Accessory Trends - 9 Things to Get You on the Road in Style!

What trends are you loving this summer? Do you usually rock trends or stick with basics?

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Ashley Stallings is founder/writer at flats to flip flops. A blog dedicated to real life and real fashion for real women. She is passionate about sharing her love of fashion and life and inspiring women to get up, get dressed and SHINE..even when you have screaming kiddos in tow! She is a lover of all things chocolate and diet coke and has an unusual obsession with college football. She is also co founder of The Hudson Foundation, a non profit that helps couples struggling with infertility.

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