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Neighbor Gift Tags Printable

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I live in a neighborhood with some of the greatest neighbors. We are always borrowing a cup of sugar or an egg from each other. Every once in awhile my neighbors surprise me with a plate of cookies. I love knowing that my neighbors care about our family and…

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Neighbor Heart Attack Printables

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If you are looking for a ways to show love to your neighbors this month, consider giving them a neighbor heart attack. Print off several of these heart shapes and personalize them with a fun message of why your neighbor is special to you. Cover your neighbor's door or…

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Love Photo Booth Printables

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Photo booth printables are all the rage. This Valentine's Day, download the love photo booth printables and take them to your kids school or family party. You will not only capture some fun pictures, but make memories that will last a lifetime. Love Photo Booth Printable Download the love

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Holiday Service Calendar Printable

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December is a great month to perform acts of service with your family. Here is a copy of our Holiday Service Calendar. Each day during the month of December, you and your family will be given an idea of how you can serve others. This is a great way…

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Keep Calm Give On Printable

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I love quotes. They not only inspire me, but keep me focus on my dreams and goals. This holiday season we want to share a fun quote that will inspire your family to remember to give to others during the holiday season. We are sharing our Keep Calm Give On…

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JOY-ed Snowman Printable

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The holidays are a perfect time to take a little something special to our neighbors and friends.  Every year, our family tries to come up with a creative neighbor gift. We love being able to let our neighbors know how important they are to us. This year, we’re giving…

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