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Timeline Printable

If you are having a hard time starting your personal history, download this timeline and start filling in the events of your life. If you can remember a few of the most memorable times of you life, you are more likely to be able to fill in other important dates. Start with the day you were born, confirmed or baptized. The fill in the first time you went to school, graduated from high school or college. Before you know it, you will have a timeline...

Family Tree Printable

...ily tree is a diagram showing the relationships between people in several generations of a family. I love knowing who my ancestors are and where they came from. This fun family tree printable is so cute, that once you fill it in, you can frame and hang it on the wall. Family Tree Printable Download the Family Tree printable instruction sheet Download the our family printable These printables are also available in our Family History eBook. The Fami...

Summer Activity Calendar Printable in school. Perhaps you are going on a week long vacation, or you are reading all the books in a series. Putting all of your ideas and plans on a summer activity calendar, will ensure they get done. Summer Activity Calendar Printable Download the Summer Activity Calendar printable What activities do you have planned this summer? This calendar is in the 180 Summer Activity eBook. To download the eBook along with other family fun printables, go to...

Downloads: Valentine’s Day Printables eBook

...intables to decrease holiday stress. Visit our eBook page, to download your copy today. Get new ideas to show love to that special someone, friends, and family. Keep the eBook around all year to keep the love flowing throughout 2013. To download your copy of the Mom It Forward Love Printable eBook, go "here". Stay tuned for more ideas from our blog posts featuring the Valentine’s Day printables. What is your favorite way to celebrate Valentine's D...

Family Goal Setting Printable life. Family goal setting can be a way to brainstorm what is important to your family and creating a plan to make it happen. On the Family Goals printable, you can write out your goal, the steps you need to take in order to reach it, and evaluate your progress. Family Goal Setting Download the Family Goal Setting art image Family Goals Download the Family Goals printable This printable is also available in our Super Hero: The Road Map eBook. T...

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